
Networks 2021: A Joint Sunbelt and NetSci Conference
Indiana University, July 6 2021
Crisis contagion in the world trade network
C. Coquidé, J. Lages, D.L. Shepelyansky
French Regional Conference on Complex Systems - FRCCS 2021
Dijon, May 26 - 28 2021
Statistical properties of the MetaCore network of protein-protein interactions
C. Coquidé, J. Lages, D.L. Shepelyansky
Conference on Complex Systems 2020
SOPHI.A SUMMIT 2020 - Springboard for Artificial Intelligence
ICCS 2020: Tenth International Conference on Complex Systems
Thesaloniki, December 8 2020
Crisis contagion in the world trade network
C. Coquidé, J. Lages, D.L. Shepelyansky
Université Nice Sophia Antipolis, November 20 2020
Googlomics: Reduced Google matrix analysis of directed biological networks
J. Lages, Klaus Frahm, D.L. Shepelyansky, Andrei Zinovyev
New England Complex Systems Institute, Boston, July 27-31, 2020
Crisis contagion in the world trade network
C. Coquidé, J. Lages, D.L. Shepelyansky
BSCT 2019: 2nd Workshop on Blockchain and Smart Contract Technologies
SUNBLET 2019 : International Sunbelt Social Network Conference
SUNBLET 2019 : International Sunbelt Social Network Conference
frognet19 : Analyse francophone des graphes et des réseaux sociaux
Universidad de Sevilla, June 27th 2019
Contagion in bitcoins network
C. Coquidé, J. Lages, D.L. Shepelyansky
Université du Québec, Montréal, June 22th 2019
Google matrix analysis of Wikipedia networks
C. Coquidé, G. Rollin, J. Lages, D.L. Shepelyansky
Université du Québec, Montréal, June 19th 2019
Google Matrix Analysis of Worldwide Football Mercato
G. Rollin, C. Coquidé, J. Lages
Université Toulouse Jean Jaurès, May 28th 2019
Analyse des réseaux d'articles Wikipédia à l'aide de la matrice de Google
C. Coquidé, G. Rollin, J. Lages, D.L. Shepelyansky
Google matrix: fundamentals, applications and beyond
Conference on Complex Systems 2018
3rd Disease Maps Community Meeting
3rd edition of {MB}2 Mathematical Modelling in Biology days of Besançon
1ère Journée autour des mathématiques et de l'informatique en analyse de données et d'imagerie en oncologie
Wiki Workshop 2018 @ WWW18
IHES, October 18th 2018 (in the frame of IHES 60th anniversary)
World influence from Wikipedia directed networks: academic rankings, infectious diseases, cancers and drugs
J. Lages, C. Coquidé, G. Rollin, D. L. Shepelyansky
Thessaloniki, September 24th 2018
Importance and Interactions of World
Universities from 24 Wikipedia
C. Coquidé, J. Lages, D. L. Shepelyansky
Institut Curie, Paris, June 21th 2018
Maps of influence and interactions of infectious and cancer diseases from Wikipedia networks
G. Rollin, J. Lages, D. L. Shepelyansky
Besançon, June 22th 2018
Reduced Google matrix analysis of directed biological networks
J. Lages, D. L. Shepelyansky, A. Zinovyev
Institut de Cancérologie de Lorraine, Nancy, June 12th 2018
Matrice de Google réduite appliquée à l'analyse de réseaux biologiques dirigés
J. Lages, D. L. Shepelyansky, A. Zinovyev
Lyon, April 24th 2018
Importance and Interactions of World Universities from 24 Wikipedia editions
(lightning talk)
C. Coquidé, J. Lages, D.L. Shepelyansky
Complex Networks 2017
DataBFC 2017
APEX project kick-off meeting
The 6th International Conference on Complex Networks and Their Applications
Lyon, November 29th - December 1st 2017
Ranking of World Universities from 2017 Wikipedia Network (poster presentation)
C. Coquidé, J. Lages, D.L. Shepelyansky
Conference on data valorization
Besançon, November 14th 2017
Network analysis of (big) data (talk)
J. Lages
Observatoire de Besançon, October 20th, 2017
(slides) | 09h30 | 10h15 | The koopman approach for dynamical systems and networks by David Viennot (UBFC UTINAM) |
10h15 | 10h45 | Coffee break | |
(slides) | 10h45 | 11h30 | Applications of the (reduced) Google matrix to complex network analysis by José Lages (UBFC UTINAM) |
(slides) | 11h30 | 12h15 | Bloch wave operator by Georges Jolicard (UBFC UTINAM) |
12h15 | 13h45 | Lunch | |
(slides) | 13h45 | 14h30 | A complex network approach of go game by Célestin Coquidé (UBFC UTINAM) |
(slides) | 14h30 | 14h50 | Dissipative quantum walks on complex networks by Saad Yalouz (UBFC UTINAM) & Vincent Pouthier (CNRS UTINAM) |
(slides) | 14h50 | 15h10 | Chaos and philosophy by Guillaume Rollin (UBFC UTINAM) |
15h10 | 15h40 | Discussion table and coffee break |