image/svg+xml These rankings havean impact on scientificand educational policiesof governments Istherean universalranking withouta priori criteria andwithout cultural bias ? Rankings of WorldUniversities About 20 different global universityrankings are listed in the Wikipediapage "College and university rankings" All these rankings are composite: Also, universities are preselected +β α +γ +δ + ... Composite score       So let's shakeWikipedia !!     Mercipourvotreattention World influence from Wikipedia directed networksAcademic rankings, infectious diseases, cancers and drugs José LagesCélestin Coquidé, Guillaume Rollin Equipe de Physique Théorique - Institut UTINAMCNRSUniversité de Bourgogne Franche-Comté  Laboratoire de Physique ThéoriqueCNRSUniversité Paul Sabatier, Toulouse  Dima Shepelyansky October 18th 2018 Wikipedia PageRankingof World UniversitiesWRWU 1st University of Cambridge 2nd University of Oxford 3rd Harvard University 4th Columbia University 5th Princeton University 6th MIT 7th University of Chicago 8th Stanford University 9th Yale University 10th University of California, Berkeley  Academic Ranking of World UniversitiesARWU ("Shanghai ranking" 2013) 1st Harvard University (-2) 2nd Stanford University (-6) 3rd University of California, Berkeley (-7) 4th MIT (-2) 5th University of Cambridge (+4) 6th California Institute of Technology (-22) 7th Princeton University (+2) 8th Columbia University (+4) 9th University of Chicago (+2)10th University of Oxford (+8) 90% overlapbetween top 10sWRWU and ARWU 60% overlapbetween top 100sWRWU and ARWU Definitively, as ARWU, WRWU measures academic excellence, but not only ... Oxbridge at the top of WRWUfollowed by US major universities Marketwatch, December 10, '15 Overlap WRWU/ARWU Overlap enwiki/ARWU Overlap frwiki/ARWU Overlap dewiki/ARWU APEX   Analyse Physique des résEaux compleXes A p l G o o g l e i Applications of Google matrix to directed networks and Big Data GNETWORKS Google Matrix Analysis of Real Complex Networks ApliGoogle project (2016-2018)funded by MASTODONS CNRS Mission interdisciplinaritéPartners : LPT, CNRS, UPS, ToulouseUTINAM, CNRS, UBFC, BesançonI. Curie, Inserm, PSL, ParisIRIT, CNRS, UPS, Toulouse APEX project (2017-2020)funded by Région Bourgogne Franche-Comté.   GNETWORKS project (2018-2021)funded by ISITE-UBFC (PIA) ANR-15-IDEX-0003. 3 projects devoted to the physical analysis of complex networksand the application of Google matrix based analysis to complex systems Outline Influence and interactions of ... World Universities Infectious diseases Cancer and related drugs ... through the prism of Wikipedia References:J. L., A. Patt, D. L. Shepelyansky, The European Physical Journal B (2016) 89: 69C. Coquidé, J. L., D. L. Shepelyansky, arXiv:1809.00332 (2018)G. Rollin, J. L., D. L. Shepelyansky, bioRxiv (2018) doi:10.1101/424465    (Most of) human knowledgeis encoded in Wikipedia Everybody use itat least as a first approach=First contact with a subject About 40M wikipages280 language editions         For a given wikiedition, we rank all the pages using: CheiRank algorithmMore a given page points to important pagesmore this page is important(Measure of communicativity)      Stochastic matrix Google matrix (Chepelianskii '10, Ermann et al. '12, Zhirov et al. '10)     For a given wikiedition, we rank all the pages using: 2DRank algorithm(Measure influence and communicativity)      (Zhirov et al. '10)     Wikipedia Ranking of World Universities From the Page/Chei/2DRanking of each ofthe 24 Wikipedia language editions, we extractthe rank index of pages devoted to "Universities"and we establish top 100 for each editionsand for each algorithms. Example: PageRank algorithm appliedto frwiki (March '13) gives the following top 3: 1- K=904 "Université de Harvard"2- K=1549 "Ecole Polythechnique"3- K=1558 "Université d'Oxford" Results: 1024 ranked universites with PageRank algorithm,1378 with CheiRank algorithm and 1559 with 2DRank algorithm Universities from 142 countries.    WPRWU index WCRWU index More communicative Approximative balance betweeninfluence and communicative propertiesof universities in Wikipedia More influent 1 12 24 36 48 59 71 83 95 107 118 Geographical distribution of universities in WRWU As in the other rankings such as ARWU,US universities still dominate,BUT ... 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 US DE UK FR JP SE CH IT NL PL CA CN RU AT CZ DK EE EG FI IE IL NO PT Foundation country # of universities Wikipedia PageRank top 100 universities (WPRWU) 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 US UK AU CA CH DE FR IL JP NL SE DK BE FI NO RU Foundation country # of universities Shanghai top 100 universities (ARWU) ... less US universitiesand more european universities among top 100, ... ... also more older universities among top 100. 0 10 20 30 40 50 11th 12th 13th 14th 15th 16th 17th 18th 19th 20th Foundation century # of universities ARWU top100 WRWU top100 25 11 University of Bologna  XIth century  97 13 University of Coimbra69 13 University of Padua  XIIIth century  33 14 Charles University in Prague65 14 Jagiellonian University51 14 Sapienza University of Rome21 14 University of Vienna  XIVth century   26 15 Leipzig University59 15 University of Glasgow92 15 University of St Andrews64 15 University of Tübingen  XVth century    90 16 Martin Luther University of Halle-Wittenberg80 16 Trinity College, Dublin75 16 University of Jena  XVIth century     32 17 Lund University93 17 University of Amsterdam83 17 University of Tartu  XVIIth century      38 18 École Polytechnique56 18 Georgetown University66 18 Saint Petersburg State University22 18 University of Göttingen99 18 University of Wrocław  XVIIIth century       11 19 Humboldt University of Berlin98 19 Indiana University76 19 Keio University23 19 London School of Economics61 19 Peking University39 19 University of Bonn95 19 University of Notre Dame45 19 University of Virginia86 19 University of Warsaw71 19 Waseda University  XIXth century        43 20 Al-Azhar University67 20 Free University of Berlin85 20 Institut Polytechnique des Sciences Avancées96 20 Technical University of Berlin91 20 Tsinghua University100 20 University of Hamburg XXth century "Newcomers" in top 100 These universities are important by their historical, social, or regional impact. First universities Emergence of US universities Dominance of European universities Dominance of US universities Emergence of Asian universities TimelineEvolution through centuries What's next ? dominance of Asian universities ? Quite rigid clubof first universities"not willing" to acceptnew members Universities in Top 5were founded before XIXth century Universities in Top 43were founded before XXth century Distribution over foundation centuryfor PageRank top 100s wikieditions Distribution over foundation centuryfor CheiRank top 100s wikieditions from PageRank from CheiRank Network of cultures An arrow points from a culture A to a culture B,the width of the arrow is proportional to the number of university of culture Bappearing in the ranking of culture A Cultures in (K,K*) plane 24 Wikipedia language editionscovering 59% of world populationand 68% total Wikipages EditionLanguage N EditionLanguage N ENEnglish4212493VIVietnamese594089 DEGerman1532978FAPersian295696 FRFrench1352825HUHungarian235212 NLDutch1144615KOKorean231959 ITItalian1017953TRTurkish206311 ESSpanish974025ARArabic203328 RURussian966284MSMalaysian180886 PLPolish949153DADanish175228 JAJapanese852087HEHebrew144959 SVSwedish780872HIHindi96869 PTPortuguese758227ELGreek82563 ZHChinese663485THThai78953 About 17M wikipages considered(March '13)   Each Wikipedia edition is treated asa complex network     Complete ranking at:   Robustness of WRWU Wikipedia PageRankingof World UniversitiesWRWU2013 Wikipedia PageRankingof World UniversitiesWRWU2017 University of Cambridge University of Oxford Harvard University Columbia University Princeton University MITUniversity of Chicago Stanford University Yale University University of California, Berkeley  University of OxfordUniversity of CambridgeHarvard University Columbia University Yale UniversityUniversity of ChicagoPrinceton UniversityStanford University MITUniversity of California, Berkeley  1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th10th Overlap ARWU17 vs WRWU17 ARWU13 vs WRWU13 ARWU13 vs ARWU17 WRWU13 vs WRWU17 Reduced Google matrix Consider a network with nodes.Consider a sub-network of nodes of interest. Reduced Google matrix Consider a network with nodes.Consider a sub-network of nodes of interest.The Google matrix of the whole network and theassociated PageRank vector can be written as J. Lages, D. Shepelyansky, A. Zinovyev, PLoS ONE 13(1): e0190812 (2018) K. M. Frahm, and D. L. Shepelyansky, arXiv:1602.02394 [physics.soc-ph] We define, , the reduced Google matrix associatedto the sub-network of size such as The reduced Google matrix can be written Contributionfrom direct links Contributionfrom indirect links(scattering term) Very slow convergencesince the leading eigenvalueofis very close to 1 Contributionfrom "PageRank" A C D F H I K B E G Direct link Hidden link The reduced Google matrix can be rewritten Contribution fromdirect links Contribution fromhidden links Contributionfrom "PageRank" Direct links Hidden links   PageRank algorithm is at the heart of search engine(Brin & Page '98) Google Matrix analysis Adjacency matrix node j outdegree node j indegree For a given wikiedition, we rank all the pages using: PageRank algorithmMore a given page is pointed by important pagesmore this page is important(Measure of influence)      Stochastic matrix Google matrix     Top 20 univs 85 world countries Top 20 univs 85 world countries Top 20 univs 85 world countries Top 20 univs 85 world countries G G G G R pr rr qr 2017 English WikipediaReduced Google matrix for the subset of interest"top 20 universities" + "world countries" PageRank sensitivity(to the change of a reduced Google matrix link) is the infinitesimal changein reduced Google matrix link is the kth component of the associated PageRank vector Stanford University University of Oxford University of Chicago Harvard University 2017 English WikipediaReduced Google matrix for the subset of interest"top 20 universities" ENWIKI FRWIKI RUWIKI DEWIKI Reduced networksof top20 universities Wikipedia Ranking of World UniversitiesConclusion WRWU is free from any cultural preferences since : - it takes into account many cultural points of view as we use all human knowledge contained in 24 Wikipedia language editions (17 millions Wiki articles) - these cultural points of view are treated on equal footing with the same statistical analysis (PageRank, CheiRank, 2DRank) WRWU measures academic excellence (top 10 and top 100are similar to ARWU) but also historic, social, or regionalimportance of universities.  WRWU can be considered as complementary to already existing rankings such as ARWU, but in fact it encodesalready all existing rankings since Wikipedia containsinformation on it. Universal ranking ? Want to check the position of your Alma Mater ?   Outline Influence and interactions of ... World Universities Infectious diseases Cancer and related drugs ... through the prism of Wikipedia TABLE Listofinfectiousdiseasesorderedbytype( 82 ofbacterialtype, 60 ofviraltype, 52 ofparasitictype, 24 offungaltype, 6 ofmultipletypes,and 2 ofother types)thenbyPageRankofthecorrespondingarticleinEnglisheditionofWikipedia.The n d =230 elementsofthislisthavebeenextractedfromthe listof infectiousdiseases articlein2017EnglishWikipedia. TABLE RankingofinfectiousdiseasesandcountriesinEnglishWikipedia2017accordingtoPageRankalgorithm.Thecolorcodedistinguishestypeof infectiousdiseases: bacterial , viral , parasitic , fungal , prionic , multipleorigin ,and otherorigin . RankDiseaseorcountryRankDiseaseorcountryRankDiseaseorcountryRankDiseaseorcountry 1UnitedStates228 Haemophilusinfuenzae 294 Cysticercosis 360 Bolivianhemorrhagicfever ...229 Tetanus 295 Babesiosis 361 Blastomycosis 105Sudan230 H.papillomavirusinf. 296 Bacteroides 362 Cutaneouslarvamigrans 106 Tuberculosis 231 WestNilefever 297 Pneumocystispneumonia 363 H.metapneumovirus 107Uganda232 Schistosomiasis 298 Viralpneumonia 364 Zygomycosis ...233 Herpessimplex 299 Cryptococcosis 365 Trichuriasis 114Somalia234 Gonorrhea 300 HepatitisE 366 Granulomainguinale 115 HIV/AIDS 235 Pertussis 301 Acinetobacter 367 Hymenolepiasis 116IvoryCoast236 Africantrypanosomiasis 302 Chlamydophilapneumoniae 368 Clonorchiasis ...237 Rubella 303 Qfever 369 HFRS g 128Fiji238 HepatitisA 304 Pinworminf. 370 Buruliulcer 129 Malaria 239 Cytomegalovirus 305 Shigellosis 371 LCM h 130Mali240 Botulism 306 Gasgangrene 372 Yersiniapseudotuberculosis ...241 Mumps 307 Bacilluscereus 373 Pediculosispubis 140Oman242 Creutzfeldt–Jakobdisease 308 Kuru(disease) 374 BKvirus 141 Pneumonia 243 Toxoplasmosis 309 SSPE b 375 GSS i 142 Smallpox 244 Candidiasis 310 GroupAstreptococcalinf. 376 Kingellakingae 143Suriname245 Chlamydiainf. 311 Roseola 377 H.granulocyticanaplasmosis ...246 Rickettsia 312 Meningococcaldisease 378 Microsporidiosis 162Malawi247 Infectiousmononucleosis 313 H.parainfuenzaviruses 379 Pneumococcalinf. 163 Cholera 248 Onchocerciasis 314 Burkholderia 380 Opisthorchiasis 164Togo249 Scabies 315 Onychomycosis 381 Nocardiosis ...250 Brucellosis 316 Aspergillosis 382 Taeniasis 185SanMarino251 Chagasdisease 317 CCHF c 383 Bartonellosis 186 Infuenza 252 Shingles 318 Relapsingfever 384 Anaplasmosis 187SaintLucia253 Filariasis 319 Ascariasis 385 Tineacapitis 188 Measles 254 Hookworminf. 320 Strongyloidiasis 386 Coloradotickfever 189Palau255 Leishmaniasis 321 Glanders 387 Baylisascaris 190 Typhoidfever 256 Leptospirosis 322 Psittacosis 388 Fasciolopsiasis 191MarshallIslands257 Pelvicinfammatorydisease 323 Listeriosis 389 GroupBstreptococcalinf. 192EquatorialGuinea258 Norovirus 324 Caliciviridae 390 Pasteurellosis 193Dominica259 Cellulitis 325 PML d 391 Headliceinfestation 194Guinea-Bissau260 Trichinosis 326 Rickettsialpox 392 Angiostrongyliasis 195 Syphilis 261 Rotavirus 327 Tineaversicolor 393 Isosporiasis 196Comoros262 Hantavirus 328 Campylobacteriosis 394 Argentinehemorrhagicfever 197Djibouti263 Legionnaires’disease 329 Naegleriasis 395 Diphyllobothriasis 198 Yellowfever 264 Histoplasmosis 330 Murinetyphus 396 Heartlandvirus 199 Bubonicplague 265 Clostridiumdiffcileinf. 331 Tineacruris 397 Cyclosporiasis 200Fed.StatesofMicronesia266 RockyMountainspottedfever 332 Fusobacterium 398 Carrion’sdisease 201 Poliomyelitis 267 Enterococcus 333 RiftValleyfever 399 Balantidiasis 202Tuvalu268 Bacterialvaginosis 334 Lassafever 400 Tineamanuum 203 Leprosy 269 Giardiasis 335 Chancroid 401 Sporotrichosis 204 Sepsis 270 Bacterialpneumonia 336 Cat-scratchdisease 402 Venezuelanhemorrhagicfever 205Nauru271 Amoebiasis 337 Neonatalconjunctivitis 403 Blastocystosis 206St.Vincent&Grenadines272 H.respiratorysyncytialvirus 338 Toxocariasis 404 Tineabarbae 207 Meningitis 273 Athlete’sfoot 339 Astrovirus 405 Yersiniosis 208Kiribati274 Trichomoniasis 340 Fifthdisease 406 Tineanigra 209 Plague(disease) 275 Epidemictyphus 341 Staphylococcalinf. 407 Chromoblastomycosis 210SaintKittsandNevis276 Hemolytic-uremicsyndrome 342 Vibrioparahaemolyticus 408 Dientamoebiasis 211 Typhus 277 Marburgvirus 343 Prevotella 409 Brazilianhemorrhagicfever 212AntiguaandBarbuda278 Trachoma 344 Fatalfamilialinsomnia 410 Gnathostomiasis 213SãoTomé&Príncipe279 Rhinovirus 345 Anisakis 411 Mycoplasmapneumonia 214 Diphtheria 280 Salmonellosis 346 Ehrlichiosis 412 Capillariasis 215 SARS a 281 Coccidioidomycosis 347 VEE e 413 Whitepiedra 216 Anthrax 282 Cryptosporidiosis 348 Molluscumcontagiosum 414 HME j 217 HepatitisC 283 Myiasis 349 MERS f 415 Metagonimiasis 218 Foodborneillness 284 Enterovirus 350 Monkeypox 416 Pediculosiscorporis 219 HepatitisB 285 Chytridiomycosis 351 Fasciolosis 417 Blackpiedra 220 Ebolavirusdisease 286 Tularemia 352 Paracoccidioidomycosis 418 H.bocavirus 221 Commoncold 287 Kawasakidisease 353 Hand,foot,andmouthdisease 419 Ehrlichiosisewingiiinf. 222 Rabies 288 Chikungunya 354 Vibriovulnifcus 420 Desmodesmus 223 Denguefever 289 HepatitisD 355 Actinomycosis 421 Rhinosporidiosis 224 Helicobacterpylori 290 Dracunculiasis 356 Ureaplasmaurealyticum 422 Free-livingAmoebozoainf. 225 Lymedisease 291 Keratitis 357 Tineacorporis 423 Geotrichosis 226 Chickenpox 292 Lymphaticflariasis 358 Melioidosis 424 A.haemolyticum k 227 Staphylococcus 293 Echinococcosis 359 Paragonimiasis 425 Mycetoma AbbreviationsH.andinf.standforHumanandinfection. a SARS:Severeacuterespiratorysyndrome. b SSPE:Subacutesclerosingpanencephalitis. c CCHF:Crimean–Congohemorrhagicfever. d PML:Progressivemultifocalleukoencephalopathy. e VEE:Venezuelanequineencephalitisvirus. f MERS:MiddleEastrespiratorysyndrome. g HFRS:Hantavirushemorrhagicfeverwithrenalsyndrome. h LCM:Lymphocyticchoriomeningitis. i GSS:Gerstmann–Sträussler–Scheinkersyndrome. j HME:Humanmonocytotropicehrlichiosis. k A.haemolyticum:Arcanobacteriumhaemolyticum. 1 10 10 2 10 3 10 4 10 5 10 6 1 10 10 2 10 3 10 4 10 5 10 6 K * K "Infectious diseases and countries" sub-network in English Wikipedia 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1 5 10 15 20 25 30 η (j) j Infectious diseases reduced network overlapWiki sensitivity / Incidences (WHO '16) overlapWiki sensitivity / Infections (WHO '17) Ranking of countries Ranking of diseases overlapPageRank of wikipages / Ranking by #deaths Outline Influence and interactions of ... World Universities Infectious diseases Cancer and related drugs (preliminary results) ... through the prism of Wikipedia Countries Diseases Reduced Google matrix for "infectious diseases and countries" Cancers (37) and related drugs (203)in 2017 English Wikipedia 1 10 10 2 10 3 10 4 10 5 10 6 1 10 10 2 10 3 10 4 10 5 10 6 K * K Th a l i d . Pa c l i t . Br e a s t . Ov a r i a . Br a i n . Ta m o x i . Li v e r . Ta l c . Be v a c i . Lu n g c. Co l o r e . Fl u o r o . Ce r v i c . Pa n c r e . He a d a. HP V va . Pr o p r a . Me t h o t . Do x o r u . Mu l t i p . Vi n c r i . De x a m e . Cy c l o p . Pr o s t a . Da c t i n . Pr e d n i . No n - H o . Ar s e n i . Im a t i n . Ri t u x i . Le u k e m . Ho d g k i . Te s t i c . Es o p h a . St o m a c . Sk i n c. Ci s p l a . Bl a d d e . Me l a n o . In t e r l . Top 20 cancers and top 20 drugs network in Wikipedia Cancers Drugs Leukemia Colorectal Lung Prostate Breast N-H lymphoma Stomach PH BT Melanoma JP NG GB KH DE SM CM GA ZM H lymphoma CL Liver MN PE AU LR SA TH Breast Lung Colorectal Leukemia Prostate Tamoxifen Trastuzumab Erlotinib Melanoma Crizotinib Fluorouracil Stomach Irinotecan N-H lymph. Enzalutamide Imatinib Rituximab Cyclophosphamide Liver Dabrafenib Vemurafenib Skin Doxorubicin H lymph. Cisplatin Pancreatic Prednisone Gemcitabine Reduced network of cancers (+ countries) Reduced network of cancers (+ drugs) Thank You !Articles and datasets availble at: Conclusions Encoding the information of the whole global network, the Reduced Google matrix method allows to assign a given weight to each directional relationship between entities of interest.Moreover hidden links can be inferred.From Wikipedia, one can unveil effective interactions between entities of interest (universities, countries , infectious diseases, cancers, drugs, ...)Inverse problem: for a given University in Wikipedia, the reduced Google matrix method could be used to find articles which could increase the influence of the University in Wikipedia.For infectious diseases, results are in accordance with known data and World Health Organization data.Wikipedia is an encylopedia quite easy to surf for Human, what about other non Human readable datasets, e.g. :- World Trade Network (see Leo Ermann's talk)- protein-protein causal interactions networks obtained from curation of huge amount of scientifical articles (see Andrei Zinovyev's talk)
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