Bruno Bellomo


38) N identical particles and one particle to entangle them all,

B. Bellomo, R. Lo Franco and G. Compagno,

Physical review A 96, 022319 (2017) (e-print: arXiv:1704.06359)


37) Quantum synchronization as a local signature of super- and subradiance,

B. Bellomo, G. L. Giorgi, G. M. Palma and R. Zambrini,

Physical review A 95, 043807 (2017) (e-print: arXiv:1612.07134)


36) Non equilibrium dissipation-driven steady many-body entanglement,

B. Bellomo and M. Antezza,

Physical review A 91, 042124 (2015) (e-print: arXiv:1409.7178)


35) Quantum thermal machines with single nonequilibrium environments ,

B. Leggio, B. Bellomo and M. Antezza,

Physical review A 91, 012117 (2015) (e-print: arXiv:1501.01791)


34) Creation and protection of entanglement in systems out of thermal equilibrium,

B. Bellomo and M. Antezza,

New Journal of Physics 15, 113052 (2013) (e-print: arXiv:1310.8081


33) Steady entanglement out of thermal equilibrium,

B. Bellomo and M. Antezza,

Europhysics Letters 104, 10006 (2013) (e-print: arXiv:1304.2864


32) Quantum systems in a stationary environment out of thermal equilibrium,

B. Bellomo, R. Messina, D. Felbacq and M. Antezza,

Physical review A 87, 012101 (2013) (e-print: arXiv:1205.6089


31) Dynamics of an elementary quantum system in environments out of thermal equilibrium,

B. Bellomo, R. Messina and M. Antezza,

Europhysics Letters 100, 20006 (2012) (e-print: arXiv:1205.6784 


30) Dynamics of quantum correlations in two-qubit systems within non-Markovian environments,

R. Lo Franco, B. Bellomo, S. Maniscalco and G. Compagno,

International Journal of Modern Physics B 27, 1345053 (2013)   (review paper) (e-print: arXiv:1205.6419


29) Dynamics of geometric and entropic quantifiers of correlations in open quantum systems,

B. Bellomo, R. Lo Franco and G. Compagno,

Physical Review A 86, 012312 (2012) (e-print: arXiv:1104.4043


28) Revival of quantum correlations without system-environment back-action,

R. Lo Franco, B. Bellomo, E. Andersson  and G. Compagno,

Physical Review A 85, 032318 (2012) (e-print: arXiv:1009.5710 


27) Unified view of correlations using the square norm distance,

B, Bellomo, G. L. Giorgi, F. Galve, R. Lo Franco and R. Zambrini,

Physical Review A 85, 032104 (2012)  (e-print: arXiv:1112.6370)


26) Dynamics of correlations due to a phase noisy laser,

B. Bellomo, R. Lo Franco, E. Andersson, J. D. Cresser and G. Compagno

Physica Scripta T147, 014004 (2012) (e-print: arXiv:1111.0917)


25) Genuine quantum and classical correlations in multipartite systems,

G. L. Giorgi, B. Bellomo, F. Galve and R. Zambrini,

Physical Review Letters 107, 190501 (2011) (e-print: arXiv:1008.0434)


24) Dynamics and extraction of quantum discord in a multipartite open system,

B. Bellomo, G. Compagno, R. Lo Franco, A. Ridolfo and S. Savasta,

International Journal of Quantum Information 9, 1665 (2011) (e-print: arXiv:1106.4496)


23) Entanglement dynamics of two independent cavity-embedded quantum dots,

B. Bellomo, G. Compagno, R. Lo Franco, A. Ridolfo and S. Savasta,

Physica Scripta T143, 014004 (2011) (e-print: arXiv:1011.4862)


22) Decay of nonlocality due to adiabatic and quantum noise in the solid state,

B. Bellomo, G. Compagno, A. D'Arrigo, G. Falci, R. Lo Franco, and E. Paladino,

International Journal of Quantum Information 9, 63 (2011)  (e-print: arXiv:1006.2270)


21) Distillation by repeated measurements: continuous spectrum case,

B. Bellomo, G. Compagno, H. Nakazato  and K. Yuasa, 

Physical Review A 82, 060101(R) (2010) (e-print: arXiv:1010.5080)


20) Reconstruction of time-dependent coefficients: a check of approximation schemes for non-Markovian convolutionless dissipative generators,  

B. Bellomo, A. De Pasquale, G. Gualdi and U. Marzolino,

Physical Review A 82, 062104 (2010) (e-print: arXiv:1007.4537)


19) A tomographic approach to non-Markovian master equations,

B. Bellomo, A. De Pasquale, G. Gualdi and U. Marzolino,

Journal of Physics A 43, 395303 (2010) (e-print: arXiv:1005.4572)


18) Entanglement degradation in the solid state: interplay of adiabatic and quantum noise,

B. Bellomo, G. Compagno, A. D'Arrigo, G. Falci, R. Lo Franco and E. Paladino,  

Physical Review A 81, 062309 (2010) (e-print: arXiv:1001.4875)


17) Connection among entanglement, mixedness and nonlocality in a dynamical context,

L. Mazzola, B. Bellomo, R. Lo Franco and G. Compagno,

Physical Review A 81,  052116 (2010)  (e-print: arXiv:1003.5153)


16) An optimized Bell test in a dynamical system,

B. Bellomo, R. Lo Franco and G. Compagno,

Physics Letters A 374, 3007  (2010) (e-print: arXiv:0910.3861)


15) Two-qubit entanglement dynamics for two different non-Markovian environments,

B. Bellomo, R. Lo Franco, S. Maniscalco and G. Compagno,

Physica Scripta T140, 014014 (2010)  (e-print: arXiv:0910.0050)


14) Extraction of a squeezed state in a field mode via repeated measurements on an auxiliary quantum particle,

B. Bellomo, G. Compagno, H. Nakazato  and K. Yuasa,

Physical Review A 80, 052113 (2009) (e-print: arXiv:0909.2217)


13) Reconstruction of Markovian Master Equation parameters through symplectic tomography,

B. Bellomo, A. De Pasquale, G. Gualdi and U. Marzolino,

Physical Review A 80, 052108 (2009) (e-print: arXiv:0909.2250)


12) Thwarted dynamics by partial projective measurements,    

B. Bellomo, G. Compagno, H. Nakazato and K. Yuasa,

Journal of Russian Laser Research 30, N.5, 451 (2009) (e-print: arXiv:0909.3578)


11) Long-time Protection of Nonlocal Entanglement,                 

B. Bellomo, R. Lo Franco, and G. Compagno,

Advanced Science Letters 2, 459 (2009) (e-print: arXiv:0810.2783)


10) Entanglement trapping in structured environments,          

B. Bellomo, R. Lo Franco, S. Maniscalco, and G. Compagno,

Physical Review A 78, 060302(R) (2008) (e-print: arXiv:0805.3056)

Selected for: Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science & Technology, Jan 2009, vol. 19, issue 1


9) Dynamics of non-classically-reproducible entanglement,

B. Bellomo, R. Lo Franco, and G. Compagno,

Physical Review A 78, 062309 (2008)  (e-print: arXiv:0806.3182)         

Selected for: Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science & Technology, Dec 2008, vol. 18, issue 25


8) Entanglement dynamics of two independent qubits in environments with and without memory,

B. Bellomo, R. Lo Franco, and G. Compagno,

Physical Review A 77, 032342 (2008) (e-print: arXiv:0711.4799)

Selected for: Virtual Journal of Quantum Information, April 2008, vol. 8, issue 4.


7) Non-Markovian Effects on the Dynamics of Entanglement (Ω),  

B. Bellomo, R. Lo Franco, and G. Compagno,

Physical Review Letters 99, 160502 (2007) (e-print: arXiv:0804.2377)   

Selected for: Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science & Technology, October 2007, vol. 16, issue 18

Selected for: Virtual Journal of Quantum Information, November 2007 vol. 7, issue 11


6) Frictional quantum decoherence,

B. Bellomo, S. Barnett and J. Jeffers,     

Journal of Physics A 40, 9437 (2007) (e-print: arXiv:0707.2912)   


5) Dissipation and decoherence in Brownian motion,    

B. Bellomo, S. Barnett and J. Jeffers,

Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 67, 012028 (2007)


4) Loss of coherence and dressing in QED,  

B. Bellomo, G. Compagno and F. Petruccione,

Physical Review A 74, 052112 (2006) (e-print: arXiv:0612192


3) Spatial decoherence in QED,

B. Bellomo, G. Compagno and F. Petruccione,

Open Systems & Information Dynamics 13, N. 3, 393 (2006)


2) Initial correlations effects on decoherence at zero temperature,     

B. Bellomo, G. Compagno and F. Petruccione,         

Journal of Physics A 38, 10203 (2005) (e-print: arXiv:0409167)


1)  Wave packet decoherence in momentum space,

B. Bellomo, G. Compagno and F. Petruccione,                                       

AIP Conference Proceedings 734, 413 (2004)