Screened cluster EOS


Last updated: November 2016

The source codes are provided in the form of Mathematica notebooks, together with PDF files for easy previewing.
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Two codes are currently available:
  • SLT EOS: Scaled Low-Temperature equation of state
    The quantum electron-proton plasma tends towards a dilute partially ionized atomic hydrogen gas described by the ideal Saha equation when taking a well-defined joint low-temperature low-density limit called the SLT limit. The SLT EOS is derived by computing, analytically, to first few corrections to the ideal Saha equation in this limit. The SLT EOS consists in a few simple-to-implement analytical formulas for these corrections. These formulas are derived and applied in Refs. [9-13].

    Source code: SLT-EOS_v1.0.nb PDF preview: SLT-EOS_v1.0.pdf (for a pure hydrogen gas)

  • SC3 EOS: screened cluster equation of state at 3rd order
    The SC3 EOS was first introduced in Ref. [5]. It is still actively developped.
    This EOS uses tabulated cluster functions for 2- and 3-particle clusters that have been computed using a path-integral Monte Carlo algorithm (written in C++) described in Refs.[6,7].

    Source code: PDF preview: SC3-EOS_v1.0.pdf (for hydrogen-helium mixtures)