Annie C. ROBIN
Directrice de recherche 1C, CNRS
Research team: Theoretical physics and astrophysics (PhAs)
Member of the french society of Astronomy and Astrophysics : SF2A
Member of IAU commission 33
Actively preparing the GAIA space mission, in the Data Processing and Analysis Consortium DPAC
- Structure and evolution of the Galaxy
- Galactic dynamics
- Modelling the Galaxy through its stellar populations, mass distribution and interstellar matter
- Participation to large scale surveys (DENIS, CFHTLS, SDSS3)
- Baryonic dark matter
Access to the Besancon Galaxy Model
- Proposition of training for master 2 students in astrophysics, 2011:
Milky Way: the bulge/bar controversy
- PhD thesis subject 2011-2014:
"Towards a dynamically self-consistent evolutionary model of the Milky Way via Gaia data",
thesis financed by the european ITN GREAT
- adresse:
- 41 bis avenue de l'Observatoire
BP 1615
F-25010 Besançon cedex
- téléphone:
- (+33) 03 81 66 69 41
- télécopie:
- (+33) 03 81 66 69 36
- adresse électronique :
- internet : robin[@]
- List
of publications