Publications originales dans des revues à comité de
(Au 8 février 2024 : 71 articles publiés, ou sous presse dont 23 en premier auteur)
- P. Rousselot, E. Jehin, E. Jehin, D. Hutsemékers, C. Opitom, J. Manfroid, P. Hardy, 2024, "12CO+ and 13CO+ fluorescence models for measuring the 12C/13C isotopic ratio in comets", Astronomy & Astrophysics, sous presse
- S.E. Anderson, P. Rousselot, B. Noyelles, E. Jehin, O. Mousis, 2023, "N2/CO ratio in comets insensitive to orbital evolution", MNRAS 524, pp 5182-5195
J.-Y. Chaufray, L. Laurent, P. Rousselot, M. Barthelemy, 2022, "UV exploration of the solar system", Experimental Astronomy, 54, p. 1169-1186
- S.E. Anderson, J.-M. Petit, B. Noyelles, O. Mousis, P. Rousselot, 2022, "Volatile-rich comets ejected early on during Solar System formation", Astronomy & Astrophysics, 662, id. A32, 6 pp
- S.E. Anderson, P. Rousselot, B. Noyelles, C. Opitom, E. Jehin, D. Hutsemékers, J. Manfroid, 2022,
"The N2 production rate in comet C/2016 R2 (PanSTARRS)", MNRAS 515, pp 5869-5876
- O. Ferchichi, N. Derbel, A. Alijah, P. Rousselot, 2022, "Accurate Einstein coefficients for electric dipole transitions in the
first negative band of The N2+", Astronomy & Astrophysics, 661, id. A132, 27 pp
- P. Rousselot, S.E. Anderson, A. Alijah, B. Noyelles, C. Opitom, E. Jehin, D. Hutsemékers, J. Manfroid, 2022, "The N2+ fluorescence spectrum of comet C/2016 R2", Astronomy & Astrophysics, 661, id. A131, 7 pp
- P. Rousselot, A. Kryszczynska, P. Bartczak, I. Kulyk, K. Kaminski, G. Dudzinski, S.E. Anderson, B. Noyelles, A. Guilbert-Lepoutre, 2021, "New constraints on the physical properties and dynamical history of Centaur 174P/Echeclus", MNRAS 507, pp 3444-3460
- C. Opitom, E. Jehin, D. Hutsemékers, Y. Shinnaka, J. Manfroid, P. Rousselot, S. Raghuram, H. Kawakita, A. Fitzsimmons, K. Meech, K. M. Micheli, C. Snodgrass, B. Yang, O. Hainaut, 2021, "The similarity of the interstellar comet 2I/Borisov to Solar System comets from high-resolution optical spectroscopy", Astronomy & Astrophysics, 650, L19, 8 pp
- F. Colas et al. (272 co-auteurs), 2020, "FRIPON: a worldwide network to track incoming meteoroids", Astronomy & Astrophysics, 644, id. A53, 23 pp
- Y. Moulane, E. Jehin, P. Rousselot, J. Manfroid, Y. Shinnaka, F. J. Pozuelos, D. Hutsemékers, C. Opitom, B. Yang, Z. Benkhaldoun, 2020, "Photometry and high-resolution spectroscopy of comet 21P/Giacobini-Zinner during its 2018 apparition", Astronomy & Astrophysics, 640, A54, 14 pp
- P. Rousselot, C. Opitom, E. Jehin, D. Hutsemékers, J. Manfroid,
M.N. Villarreal, J.-Y Li, J. Castillo-Rogez, C.T. Russell, P. Vernazza,
M. Marsset, L. Roth, C. Dumas, B. Yang, T.H. Prettyman, O. Mousis, 2019,
"Search for water outgassing of (1) Ceres near its perihelion",
Astronomy & Astrophysics, 628, id. A22, 6 pp.
- C. Opitom, D. Hutsemékers, E. Jehin, P. Rousselot,
F. J. Pozuelos, J. Manfroid, Y. Moulane, M. Gillon, 2019,
"High resolution optical spectroscopy of the N2 -rich comet C/2016
R2 (PanSTARRS)", Astronomy & Astrophysics, 624, id.A64,
14 pp
- N. Cabral, A. Guilbert-Lepoutre, W. C. Fraser, M. Marsset, K. Volk,
J.-M. Petit, P. Rousselot, M. Alexandersen, M. T. Bannister,
Y.-T. Chen, B. Gladman, S. D. J. Gwyn, J. J. Kavelaars, 2019,
"OSSOS: XV. No active Centaurs in the Outer Solar System Origins
Survey", Astronomy & Astrophysics, 621, id. A102, 7 pp,
- M.T. Bannister, B.J. Gladman, J. J. Kavelaars, J.-M. Petit,
K. Volk, Y.-T. Chen, M.A. Alexandersen, S. T. Gwyn, 2 M. E. Schwamb,
E.D. Ashton, S.D. Benecchi, N. Cabral, R.I. Dawson, A. Delsanti,
W.C. Fraser, M. Granvik, S. Greenstreet, A. Guilbert-Lepoutre, W.-H. Ip,
M. Jakubik, R.L. Jones, N.A. Kaib, P. Lacerda, C. Van Laerhoven,
S. Lawler, M.J. Lehner, H. Weng Lin, P.S. Lykawa, M. Marsset,
R. Murray-Clay, R.E. Pike, P. Rousselot, A. Thirouin,
P. Vernazza, S.-Y. Wang, 2018, "OSSOS: VII. 800+ TRANS-NEPTUNIAN OBJECTS
- THE COMPLETE DATA RELEASE", ApJS, 236, id.18, 19 pp
- I. Kulyk, P. Rousselot, P. P. Korsun, V. L. Afanasiev,
A. V. Sergeev, S. F. Velichko, 2018, "Physical activity of the selected
long-period comets with perihelia at large heliocentric distance",
Astronomy & Astrophysics, 611, id. A32 10 pp
- C. Snodgrass, M. F. A'Hearn, F. Aceituno, V. Afanasiev,
S. Bagnulo, J. Bauer, G. Bergond, S. Besse, N. Biver,
D. Bodewits, H. Boehnhardt, B. P. Bonev, G. Borisov,
B. Carry, V. Casanova, A. Cochran, B. C. Conn,
B. Davidsson, J. K. Davies, J. de Leon, E. de Mooij,
M. de Val-Borro, M. Delacruz, M. A. DiSanti,
J. E. Drew, R. Duffard, N. J. T. Edberg, S. Faggi,
L. Feaga, A. Fitzsimmons, H. Fujiwara, E. L. Gibb,
M. Gillon, S. F. Green, A. Guijarro, A. Guilbert-Lepoutre, P. J. GutiƩrrez,
E. Hadamcik, O. Hainaut, S. Haque, R. Hedrosa, D. Hines, U. Hopp,
F. Hoyo, D. Hutsemegrave;kers, M. Hyland, O. Ivanova,
E. Jehin, G. H. Jones, J. V. Keane, M. S. P. Kelley,
N. Kiselev, J. Kleyna, M. Kluge, M. M. Knight,
R. Kokotanekova, D. Koschny, E. Kramer, J. J. López-Moreno,
P. Lacerda, L. M. Lara, J. Lasue, H. J. Lehto, A. C. Levasseur-Regourd,
J. Licandro, Z. Y. Lin, T. Lister, S. C. Lowry,
A. Mainzer, J. Manfroid, J. Marchant, A. J. McKay, A. McNeill, K. J. Meech,
M. Micheli, I. Mohammed, M. Monguió, F. Moreno, O. Munoz,
M. J. Mumma, P. Nikolov, C. Opitom, J. L. Ortiz, L. Paganini,
M. Pajuelo, F. J. Pozuelos, S. Protopapa, T. Pursimo, B. Rajkumar,
Y. Ramanjooloo, E. Ramos, C. Ries, A. Riffeser, V. Rosenbush,
P. Rousselot, E. L. Ryan, P. Santos-Sanz, D. G. Schleicher,
M. Schmidt, R. Schulz, A. K. Sen, A. Somero, A. Sota, A. Stinson,
J. Sunshine, A. Thompson, G. P. Tozzi, C. Tubiana, G. L. Villanueva,
X. Wang, D. H. Wooden, M. Yagi, B. Yang, B. Zaprudin, T. J. Zegmott, 2017,
"The 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko observation campaign in support of the
Rosetta mission", Philosophical Transactions of the Royal
Society A, 375, Issue 2097, id.20160249
- M. T. Bannister, M. Alexandersen, S. D. Benecchi, Y.-T. Chen,
A. Delsanti,
W. C. Fraser, B. J. Gladman, M. Granvik, W. M. Grundy, A. Guilbert-Lepoutre,
, S. D. J. Gwyn, W.-H. Ip, M. Jakubik, R. L. Jones, N. Kaib, J. J. Kavelaars,
P. Lacerda, S. Lawler, M.J. Lehner, H. W. Lin, P. S. Lykawka,
M. Marsset, R. Murray-Clay, K. S. Noll, A. Parker, J.-M. Petit,
Rosemary E. Pike, P. Rousselot, M. E. Schwamb, C. Shankman, P. Veres,
P. Vernazza, K. Volk, S.-Y. Wang, R. Weryk, 2016, "OSSOS. IV.
Discovery of a dwarf planet candidate in the 9:2 resonance with Neptune",
152, id. 212, 8pp.
- P., Rousselot, P. Korsun, I. Kulyk, A. Guilbert-Lepoutre, J.-M.
Petit, 2016, "A long-term follow up of 174P/Echeclus",
MNRAS, 462, S432-S442
- C. Snodgrass, C. Opitom, M. de Val-Borro, E. Jehin, J. Manfroid,
T. Lister, J. Marchant, G.H. Jones, A. Fitzsimmons, I.A. Steele, R.J. Smith,
H. Jermak, T. Granzer, K. Meech, P. Rousselot, A-C. Levasseur-Regourd,
2016, "The perihelion activity of comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko as seen by
robotic telescopes", MNRAS, 462, S138-S145
- M. T. Bannister, J. J. Kavelaars, J.-M. Petit, B. Gladman, S. Gwyn,
Y. Chen, K. Volk, M. Alexandersen, S. Benecchi, F. Bianco, A. Delsanti,
W. Fraser, M. Granvik, W. Grundy, A. Guilbert-Lepoutre, A. Gulbis,
D. Hestroffer, W. Ip, M. Jakubik, L. Jones, N. Kaib, P. Lacerda,
S. Lawler, M. Lehner, E. Lin, T. Lister, P. Lykawka, S. Monty, M. Marsset,
R. Murray-Clay, K. Noll, A. Parker, R. Pike, P. Rousselot, D. Rusk,
M. Schwamb, C. Shankman, B. Sicardy, P. Vernazza, S. Wang, 2015, "The Outer
Solar System Origins Survey: design and first-quarter discoveries", AJ,
152, id. 70, 25pp.
- I. Kulyk, P. Korsun, P. Rousselot, V. Afanasiev, O. Ivanova,
2016, "P/2008 CL94 (Lemmon) and P/2011 S1 (Gibbs): cometary activity at
large heliocentric distances", Icarus 271, 314-325
- P. Rousselot, A. Decock, P. P. Korsun, E. Jehin, I. Kulyk,
J. Manfroid, D. Hutsemékers, 2015, "High-resolution spectra of comet
C/2013 R1 (Lovejoy)", Astronomy & Astrophysics 580, id.A3, 5 pp
- D. Bockelée-Morvan, S. Charnley, U. Calmonte, C. Engrand,
A. Gicquel, M. Haessing, E. Jehin, H. Kawakita, B. Marty, S. Milam,
A. Morse, P. Rousselot, S. Sheridan, E. S. Wirstrom, 2015,
"Cometary isotopes measurements", Space Science Reviews 197,
- O. Mousis, E. Chassefière, N.G. Holm, A. Bouquet,
J.H. Waite, W.D. Geppert, S. Picaud, Y. Aikawa, M. Ali-Dib, J.-L. Charlou,
P. Rousselot, 2015, "Methane clathrates in the Solar System",
Astrobiology 15, 308-326
- A. Decock, E. Jehin, P. Rousselot, D. Hutsemékers,
J. Manfroid, S. Raghuram, A. Bhardwaj, B. Hubert, 2015, "Forbidden oxygen
lines at various nucleocentric distances in comets", Astronomy &
Astrophysics 573, id.A1, 11 pp.
- P. Rousselot, P. P. Korsun, I. V. Kulyk, V. L. Afanasiev,
O. V. Ivanova, A. V. Sergeev, S. F. Velichko, 2014, "Monitoring of the
cometary activity of distant comet C/2006 S3 (LONEOS)",
Astronomy & Astrophysics 571, id.A73, 9 pp.
- O. Mousis, L. N. Fletcher, J.-P. Lebreton, P. Wurz, T. Cavalié,
A. Coustenis, R. Courtin, D. Gautier, R. Helled, P. G. J. Irwin, A. D.
Morse, N. Nettelmann, B. Marty, P. Rousselot, O. Venot, D. H.
Atkinson, J. H. Waite, K. Reh, A. Simon-Miller, S. Atreya, N.
André, M. Blanc, I. A. Daglis, G. Fischer, W. D. Geppert, T. Guillot,
M. M. Hedman, R. Hueso, E. Lellouch, J. I. Lunine, C. D. Murray, J.
O'Donoghue, M. Rengel, A. Sánchez-Lavega, F.-X. Schmider, A.
Spiga, T. Spilkera, J.-M. Petit, M. S. Tiscareno, M. Ali-Dib, K.
Altwegg, A. Bouquet, C. Briois, T. Fouchet, S. Guerlet, T. Kostiuk,
D. Lebleu, R. Moreno, G. S. Orton, J. Poncy, 2014,
"Scientic rationale of Saturn's in situ
exploration", Planetary and Space Science 104,
- P.P. Korsun, P. Rousselot, I. Kulyk, V. L. Afanasiev,
O. V. Ivanova, 2014, "Distant activity of comet C/2002 VQ94 (LINEAR): optical
spectrophotometric monitoring between 8.4 and 16.8 au from the Sun",
Icarus 232, 88-96
- O. Mousis, R. Hueso, J.-P. Beaulieu, S. Bouley, B. Carry, F. Colas,
A. Klotz, C. Pellier, J.-M. Petit, P. Rousselot, M. Ali Dib, W. Beisker,
M. Birlan, C. Buil, A. Delsanti, E. Frappa, H. B. Hammel, A.-C.
Levasseur-Regourd, G. S. Orton, A. Sanchez-Lavega, A. Santerne, P. Tanga,
J. Vaubaillon, B. Zanda, D. Baratoux, T. Bohm, V. Boudon, A. Bouquet,
L. Buzzi, J.-L. Dauvergne, A. Decock, M. Delcroix, P. Drossart, N. Esseiva,
G. Fischer, L. N. Fletcher, S. Foglia, J. M. G\'omez-Forrellad,
J. Guarro-Fló, D. Herald, F. Kugel, J.-P. Lebreton, J. Lecacheux,
A. Leroy, L. Maquet, G. Masi, A. Maury, F. Meyer, S. Pérez-Hoyos, A. S.
Rajpurohit, C. Rinner, J. H. Rogers, F. Roques, R. W. Schmude, Jr.,
B. Sicardy, B. Tregon, M. Vanhuysse, A. Wesley, T. Widemann, 2014,
"Instrumental Methods for Professional and Amateur Collaborations in
Planetary Astronomy", Experimental Astronomy 38, 91-191
- Y. Boissel, B. Sicardy, F. Roques, P. Gaulme, A. Doressoundiram,
T. Widemann, V.D. Ivanov, O. Marco, E. Mason, N. Ageorges, O. Mousis,
P. Rousselot, V. S. Dhillon, S. P. Littlefair, T. R. Marsh, M. Assafin,
F. Braga Ribas, D. da Silva Neto, J.I.B. Camargo, A. Andrei, R. Vieira
Martins, R. Behrend, M. Kretlow, 2014, "An exploration of Pluto's
environment through stellar occultations", Astronomy & Astrophysics
561, id.A144, 11 pp
- P. Rousselot, O. Pirali, E. Jehin,
M. Vervloet, D. Hutsemékers, J. Manfroid,
D. Cordier, M.-A. Martin-Drumel, S. Gruet,
C. Arpigny, A. Decock, O. Mousis, 2014, "Toward a Unique Nitrogen Isotopic Ratio
in Cometary Ices", Ap. J. Letters 780:L17 (5pp)
[Cet article a fait l'objet d'un communiqué de presse de l'INSU le 16 décembre 2013]
- B. Gladman, S. M. Lawler, J.-M. Petit, J. Kavelaars, R. L. Jones,
J. Wm. Parker, C. Van Laerhoven, P. Nicholson, P. Rousselot,
A. Bieryla, M. L. N. Ashby, 2012, "The
Resonant Trans-Neptunian Populations", AJ 144, article id. 23, 24 pp.
- O. Mousis, A. Guilbert-Lepoutre, J. I. Lunine, A. L. Cochran,
J. Hunter Waite, J.-M. Petit, P. Rousselot, 2012, "The dual origin of
the nitrogen deficiency in comets: selective volatile trapping in the
nebula and postaccretion radiogenic heating", Ap. J. 757,
article id. 146, 7 pp.
- P. Rousselot, E.Jehin, J.Manfroid, D. Hutsemékers, 2012,
isotopic ratio in comets C/2001 Q4 (NEAT) and C/2002 T7 (LINEAR)",
Astronomy & Astrophysics 545, id.A24, 7 pp.
- M. Alexandersen, B. Gladman, C. Veillet, R. Jacobson, M. Brozovi,
P. Rousselot, 2012, "Discovery of two additional Jovian irregulars",
AJ, 144, article id. 21, 4 pp.
- B. Carry, P. Vernazza, C. Dumas, W. J. Merline, O. Mousis,
P. Rousselot, E. Jehin, J. Manfroid, M. Fulchignoni, J.-M. Zucconi,
2012, "The remarkable surface homogeneity of the Dawn mission target (1)
Ceres", Icarus, 217, 20-26
- J.-M. Petit, J.J. Kavelaars, B.J. Gladman, R.L. Jones, J.Wm. Parker,
C. Van Laerhoven, P. Nicholson, G. Mars, P. Rousselot, O.Mousis,
B. Marsden, A. Bieryla, M. Taylor, M.L.N. Ashby, P. Benavidez, A.
Campo Bagatin, G. Bernabeu, 2011, "The Canada-France Ecliptic Plane
Survey - Full Data Release: The Orbital Structure of the Kuiper Belt",
AJ 142, 131
- P. Rousselot, E. Jehin, E., J. Manfroid, O. Mousis,
C. Dumas, B. Carry, U. Marboeuf, J.-M. Zucconi, 2011, "A Search for
Water Vaporization on Ceres", AJ 142, 125
- P. Rousselot, C. Dumas et F. Merlin, 2011,
"Near-infrared spectroscopy of 133P/Elst-Pizarro", Icarus 211,
- B. Gladman, J. Kavelaars, J.-M. Petit, M.L.N. Ashby, J. Parker,
J. Coffey, R.L. Jones, P. Rousselot, O. Mousis,
2009, ``Discovery of the
First Retrograde Transneptunian Object'', The Astrophysical
Journal Letters, 697, L91-L94
- J.J. Kavelaars, R.L. Jones, B.J. Gladman, J.-M. Petit, J.Wm. Parker,
C. Van Laerhoven, P. Nicholson, P. Rousselot,
H. Scholl, O. Mousis,
B. Marsden, P. Benavidez, A. Bieryla, A. Campo Bagatin, A. Doressoundiram,
J.L. Margot, I. Murray, C. Veillet, 2009, ``The Canada-France Ecliptic
Plane Survey - L3 Data Release: The Orbital Structure of the Kuiper Belt'',
AJ 137, 4917-4935
- J.-M. Petit, J.J. Kavelaars, B.J. Gladman, J.L. Margot,
P.D. Nicholson,
R.L. Jones, J.Wm. Parker, M.L.N. Ashby, A. Campo Bagatin, P. Benavidez,
J. Coffey, P. Rousselot, O. Mousis, P.A. Taylor, 2008,
``The Extreme Kuiper Belt Binary 2001 QW322'', Science,
322, 432-434
- G. Moreels, J. Clairemidi, M. Faivre, D. Pautet, F. Rubio da Costa,
P. Rousselot, J.W. Meriwether, G.A. Lehmacher, E. Vidal,
J.L. Chau, G. Monnet, 2008, ``Near-infrared sky background fluctuations at
mid- and low latitudes'', Experimental Astronomy 22, 87-107
- P. Rousselot, 2008,
``174P/Echeclus: a strange case of outburst'', Astron. Astrophys.
480, 543-550
- O. Lorin, P. Rousselot,
``Search for cometary activity in three Centaurs ((60558)
Echeclus, 2000 FZ53, 2000 GM137,) and two
Transneptunian Objets ((29981) 1999 TD10 and (28978) Ixion)'', 2007,
MNRAS 376, 881-889
I.N. Belskaya, J.L. Ortiz, P. Rousselot, V. Ivanova, G. Borisov, V.G.
Shevchenko, N. Peixinho, 2006, ''Low Phase Angle Eects in Photometry of
Trans-Neptunian Objects: 20000 Varuna and 19308 (1996 TO66)''
Icarus 184, 277-284
P. Rousselot, A.C. Levasseur-Regourd,
K. Muinonen, J.-M. Petit, 2006, ``Polarimetric and photometric phase
effects observed on transneptunian object (29981) 1999 TD10 '',
EMP 97, 353-364 (daté 2005)
RL. Jones, B. Gladman, J.-M. Petit, P. Rousselot,
O. Mousis, JJ. Kavelaars, A. Campo Bagatin, G. Bernabeu,
P. Benavidez, J. Parker, M. Holman, T. Grav, A. Doressoundiram,
C. Veillet, 2006, ``The cfeps kuiper belt survey: strategy and pre-survey
results'', Icarus 185, 508-522
B. Sicardy, A. Bellucci, E. Gendron, F. Lacombe, S. Lacour, J. Lecacheux,
E. Lellouch, S. Renner, S. Pau, F. Roques, T. Widemann, F. Colas, F. Vachier,
N. Ageorges, O. Hainaut, O. Marco, W. Beisker, E. Hummel, C. Feinstein,
H. Levato, A. Maury, E. Frappa, B. Gaillard, M. Lavayssière,
M. Di Sora,
F. Mallia, G. Masi, R. Behrend, F. Carrier, O. Mousis,
P. Rousselot, A. Alvarez-Candal, D. Lazzaro,
C. Veiga, A.H. Andrei, M. Assafin, D.N. da Silva Neto, R. Vieira Martins,
C. Jacques, D. Weaver, J.-F Lecampion, F. Doncel, T. Momiyama, G. Tancredi,
2006, ``Charon: size and constraints on the atmosphere from a stellar
occultation'', Nature 439, 52-54
- P. Rousselot, J.M. Petit, F. Poulet, A. Sergeev,
2005, ``Photometric study of Centaur (60558) 2000 EC98
and Trans-Neptunian Object (55637) 2002 UX25 at
different phase angles'', Icarus 176, 478-491
- J.J. Kavelaars, M.J. Holman, T. Grav, D. Milisavljevic, W. Fraser,
B.J. Gladman, J.-M. Petit, P. Rousselot, O. Mousis, P.D. Nicholson,
2004, ``The discovery of faint irregular satellites of Uranus'',
Icarus 169, 474-481
- M.J. Holman, J.J. Kavelaars, T. Grav, B. Gladman, W. Fraser, D. Milisavljevic,
P. D. Nicholson, J. A. Burns, V. Carruba, J.-M. Petit, P. Rousselot,
O. Mousis, B.G. Marsden, R.A. Jacobson, 2004, ``Discovery of irregular moons
of Neptune'', Nature, 430, 865-867
- J.L. Ortiz, A. Sota, R. Moreno, E. Lellouch,
N. Biver, A. Doressoundiram, P. Rousselot, P.J. Gutiérrez, I.
Marquez, R.M. Gonzales Delgado, V. Casanova, 2004, ``A study of
Trans-Neptunian Object 55636 (2002 TX300)'', Astron.
Astrophys., 420, 383-388
- H. Boehnhardt, A. Barucci, A. Delsanti, C. De Bergh, A. Doressoundiram,
J. Romon, E. Dotto, G. Tozzi, M. Lazzarin, S. Fornasier, N. Peixinho,
O. Hainaut, J. Davies, P. Rousselot, L. Barrera,
K. Birkle, K. Meech, J. Ortiz, T. Sekiguchi, J.-I. Watanabe, N. Thomas,
R. West, 2003, ''Results from the ESO Large Program on Transneptunian
Objects and Centaurs'', Earth, Moon and Planets 92(1),
- P. Rousselot, J.-M. Petit, F. Poulet, P. Lacerda, J. Ortiz,
2003, ``Photometry of the Kuiper Belt object 1999 TD10 at different
phase angles'', Astron. Astrophys. 407, 1139-1147
- P. Rousselot, C. Arpigny, H. Rauer, A.L. Cochran, R. Gredel,
W.D. Cochran, J. Manfroid, A. Fitzsimmons, 2001,"A fluorescence
model of the C3 radical in comets", Astron. Astrophys.,
368, 689-699
- P. Rousselot, S.M. Hill, M.H. Burger, D.A. Brain, C. Laffont,
G. Moreels, 2000,
"Theoretical modeling of the C2 fluorescence spectrum in comet
Hale-Bopp", Icarus, 146, 263-269
- P. Rousselot, C. Lidman, J.-G. Cuby, G. Moreels, G. Monnet,
2000, "Night-sky spectral atlas of OH emission lines in the near-infrared",
Astron. Astrophys., 354, 1134-1150
C. Laffont, P. Rousselot, J. Clairemidi, G. Moreels, D.C. Boice,
1999 (daté 1997),
``Jets and arcs in the coma of comet Hale-Bopp from August
1996 to October 1997'', Earth, Moon and Planets,
78 (1-3), pp 211-217
- P. Rousselot, F. Lombard, G. Moreels, 1999,
"Search for Trans-Neptunian Objects: an automated technique applied to
images obtained with the UH 8k CCD Mosaic Camera", Astron. Astrophys.,
348, 1035-1039
- P. Rousselot, C. Laffont, G. Moreels, J. Clairemidi, 1998,
"An attempt to detect the C2 intercombination transition lines
in Comet Hale- Bopp",
Astron. Astrophys., 335, 765-768
- C. Laffont, P.Rousselot, J. Clairemidi, G. Moreels, 1998,
"Condensations and sources of C2 in Comet Hyakutake C/1996 B2",
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- C. Laffont, D.C. Boice, G. Moreels, J. Clairemidi,
P. Rousselot,H. Andernach, 1998,
"Tentative identification of S2 in the IUE spectra of comet
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Geophysical Research Letters, 25(14), 2749-2752
- C. Laffont, P. Rousselot, J. Clairemidi, G. Moreels, D.C. Boice, "Jets And Arcs In The Coma Of Comet Hale-Bopp From August 1996 To April 1997",
Earth, Moon, and Planets, 78, 211-217
- B. Goidet-Devel, J. Clairemidi, P. Rousselot, G. Moreels, 1997,
``Dust Spatial Distribution and Radial Profile in Halley's Inner Coma'',
Icarus 126, 78-106
- P. Rousselot, G. Moreels, J. Clairemidi, B. Goidet-Devel, H.
Boehnhardt, 1995,
``Evolution of the C2 spectrum in comets P/Schaumasse and
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Icarus, 114, 341-347
- G. Moreels, J. Clairemidi, P. Rousselot, 1995, "Possible evidence of hydrocarbons released by the nucleus of Halley's comet",
Advances in Space Research, 15, 65-70
- P. Rousselot, J. Clairemidi, G. Moreels, 1994,
``Evolution of the C2 spectrum in Halley's inner coma:
evidence for a diffuse source'',
Astron. Astrophys., 286, 645-653
- G. Moreels, J. Clairemidi, P. Hermine, P. Brechignac, P.
Rousselot, 1994,
``Detection of a polycyclic aromatic molecule in comet P/Halley'',
Astron. Astrophys. 282, 643-656
- P. Rousselot, J. Clairemidi, G. Moreels, 1993,
``Radial distribution of the OH radical in Halley's inner coma'',
Astron. Astrophys., 277, 653-665
Livres grand public :
Je suis l'auteur de deux ouvrages de vulgarisation grand public :
"Les comètes et leurs secrets, de l'Antiquité
à Rosetta" (éditions Ellipses, 2018)

"Les comètes, de l'Antiquité
à l'ère post-Halley" (éditions Broquet, 1996)

mis à jour le 8 février 2024