Position: Directeur de Recherche Address: Observatoire de Besançon Boite postale 1615 25010 Besançon Cedex Affiliation: Mécanique céleste, planétologie dynamique et systèmes Equipe SPACE CNRS UMR 6213 / UTINAM Localization: Observatoire de Besançon 41 bis Av. de l'Observatoire Telephone: +33 3 81 66 69 29 Fax: +33 3 81 66 69 44 e-mail: petit@obs-besancon.fr
Download a short description of the project: PostScript (21 Kb), html .
Click here to download a somewhat longer description of the project (PostScript, 40 Kb).
the announcement of the school (in french :-).
And here
some pictures taken during the school.