Top 10 of Arabic speaking universities in Wikipedia Ranking of World University using 2DRank algorithm (W2RWU)

WR = Rank in Wikipedia Ranking of World University using 2DRank algorithm (W2RWU)
LR = Rank in Arabic Wikipedia top 100 universities using 2DRank algorithm (AR2RWU)
(X means that the university is not in the Arabic Wikipedia Top 100 using 2DRank algorithm)
Na = Number of appearances of the university in the 24 top 100s of the 24 Wikipedia language editions
CC = country code / LC = language code / FC = Foundation century
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Rank WR LR Na University CC LC FC
167X6Al-Azhar UniversityEGAR20
2148182Beirut Arab UniversityLBAR20
3169X3Cairo UniversityEGAR20
4181132American University of BeirutLBAR19
5201152Birzeit UniversityPSAR20
625862Jordan University of Science and TechnologyJOAR20
733441University of GafsaTNAR21
837071Al-Muthana UniversityIQAR21
938281University of Science and Technology – OmdurmanSDAR20
10397232al-Aqsa UniversityPSAR20