
International Journals

  1. Distinguishing humans from computers in the game of go: A complex network approach
    C. Coquidé, B. Georgeot and O. Giraud
    Europhysics Letter (2017) [Online PDF], [Web press]

Proceedings and Extended Abstract

  1. Ranking of World Universities from 2017 Wikipedia network
    C. Coquidé, J. Lages and D. Shepelyansky
    in The 6th International Conferance on Complex Networks and their Applications Lyon November 29 - December 1 2017, Book of abstract 297-299


  1. Théorie des réseaux complexes, réseaux dirigés et processus de décision: le cas du jeu de go
    Master thesis, C. Coquidé 2016
    Advisors: B. Georgeot and O. Giraud