International Journals
- Distinguishing humans from computers in the game of go: A complex network approach
C. Coquidé, B. Georgeot and O. Giraud
Europhysics Letter (2017) [Online PDF], [Web press]
Proceedings and Extended Abstract
- Ranking of World Universities from 2017 Wikipedia network
C. Coquidé, J. Lages and D. Shepelyansky
in The 6th International Conferance on Complex Networks and their Applications Lyon November 29 - December 1 2017, Book of abstract 297-299
- Théorie des réseaux complexes, réseaux dirigés et processus de décision: le cas du jeu de go
Master thesis, C. Coquidé 2016
Advisors: B. Georgeot and O. Giraud