Professeur - Université de Franche-Comté
(UMR-CNRS 6213), Equipe Matériaux et Surfaces Fonctionnels
e-mail : cedric.buron@univ-fcomte.fr
Mise à jour: 17/05/2024
"Lorsque deux forces sont jointes, leur efficacité est double."
(Isaac Newton)
ORCID ID: 0000-0001-9067-7856
Parcours :
Depuis 2022 Professeur des universités
2019 Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches - HDR
Maître de conférences (Université de Franche-Comté)
(Université de Franche-Comté)
doctorat (Unité
POLY, Université catholique de Louvain, Belgique)
(Université de Franche-Comté)
Doctorat de Chimie - Physique (Université de Franche-Comté)
recherche :
substrats par greffage chimique et/ou adsorption
de macromolécules (adsorption monocouche et/ou multicouche).
Fonctionnalisation de membranes par un film multicouche => application à la rétention des cations métalliques.
Synthèse de
particules d'oxyde de silicium (SiO2).
Dépôt de
matériaux composites (particules/polymères) sur surfaces structurées => réalisation de dépôts organiques conducteurs.
Domaines de compétences :
optiques de couches
minces : ellipsométrie,
réflectométrie laser à angle fixe et réflectométrie des rayons X.
des particules :
charges de surface, potentiel
zêta, granulométrie.
des surfaces : tension
de surface, angle de
contact, AFM, MEB.
de surfaces :
photolithographie et
lithographie électronique.
d’enseignements : 
Licence de
Chimie :
- L3 - Formulation, colloïdes et interfaces (Cours
et TD)
- 2ème
année - Colloïdes (Cours
et TD)
Biochimie, Biologie Cellulaire et Physiologie
- L3 -
Thermodynamique des systèmes en solution (TD)
Master Formulation et Traitement des Surfaces
- M1 - Formulation et milieux dispersés (Cours et TD)
- M1 -
Systèmes moléculaires organisés (TP)
- M1 - Techniques d'analyses de surfaces et matériaux (TP)
- M2 -
Formulation et additifs (Cours, TD et TP)
Master Qualité
des Eaux, des Sols et Traitements
- M2 -
Procédés de traitement des eaux et de dépollution des sols (TP)
Responsabilités :
- Responsable d’unités d’enseignements en Licence BBCP (1 UE), en Licence de
Chimie (2 UE) et en Master FTS
(1 UE).
- Membre du conseil de laboratoire de l'institut UTINAM (2012-2017).
- Membre du conseil de gestion de l'UFR des Sciences et Techniques (2016-2020).
- Assistant de prévention (2010-2021).
Valorisation des
Sciences :
Opération "Une classe -
Un chercheur" 2010,
2014-2016, 2018
Animation du stand de la Chimie aux JPO, Besançon , 2014-2018.
Participation à la journée 24h dans le Sup, 2014-2018.
Jury à "Faites de la science" 2012.
Accueil de classes de collège ou lycée
dans le cadre de la visite
du laboratoire.
Chapitre d'ouvrage
- C.J. Roy, C.C. Buron,
S. Demoustier-Champagne et A.M. Jonas, Nanoconfined
Polyelectrolyte Multilayers: From Nanostripes to Multisegmented Functional
Nanotubes In Multilayer
Thin Films: Sequential Assembly of Nanocomposite Materials, 2nd Edition, p. 613-636, Wiley, Gero Decher, Joe
Schlenoff, eds.

- P 45 - 2024 - L. Baissac, T. Salvi, F.E. Jurin, I. Pochard, J.-Y. Hihn, C.C. Buron, Solvent-free synthesis of PMMA particles using tandem acosutic emulsification, ChemistrySelect, vol.9, p.e202304310.
- P 44 - 2024 - F.E. Jurin, C.C. Buron, E. Frau, S. del Rossi, S. Schintke,
The Electrical and Mechanical Characteristics of Conductive
PVA/PEDOT:PSS Hydrogel Foams for Soft Strain Sensors, Sensors, vol.24,
- P 43 - 2023 - S.
Mouhtadi, C.C. Buron, I. Pochard, Thickness-controlled porous NiO films
by Ni(OH)2/alginate layer-by-layer assembly, Surface & Coatings
Technology, vol.474, p.130110.
- P 42 - 2022 - S.
Mouhtadi, O. Urra, C.C. Buron, C. Filiâtre, G. Ferrarri, I. Pochard,
Nanoarchitectonics of eco-friendly nickel oxide nanoplatelets for
energy storage, Applied Physics A, vol.129, p.6.
- P 41 - 2022 - C.C. Buron, T. Vrlinic, S. Lakard, F.E. Jurin, M. Quinart, S. Monney, B. Lakard, Use of hydrogen bonded layer-by-layer assemblies for particle manipulation, Colloids and
Surfaces A, vol. 648, p. 129251.
- P 40 - 2022 - S. Boullanger, E. Contal, C.C. Buron, L. Viau, Pyrrole-tailed imidazolium surface-active monomers: aggregation properties in aqueous solution and polymerization behavior, Journal of Molecular Liquids, vol. 350, p. 118588.
- P 39 - 2020 - C.C. Buron, T. Vrlinic, T. Le Galou, S. Lakard, A. Bolopion, P. Rougeot, B. Lakard, pH-Responsive PEG/PAA multilayer assemblies for reversible adhesion of micro-objects, ACS Applied Polymer Materials, vol. 2, p. 5646-5653.
- P 38 - 2019 - F.E. Jurin, C.C. Buron, S. Clément, A. Mehdi, B. Lakard, N.
Martin, C. Filiâtre, Conductive multilayer film based on composite materials made of conjugates polyelectrolytes and inorganic particles, Colloids and Surfaces A, vol. 586, p. 124290-124298.
- P 37 - 2018 - F.E. Jurin, C.C. Buron, S. Monney, N.
Martin, C. Filiâtre, Electrical conductivity enhancement and wettability modification of (PDDA/PEDOT:PSS)n multilayer film, Thin Solid Films, vol. 664, p. 33-40.
P 36 - 2018 - L. Baissac, C.C. Buron, L. Hallez, P. Bercot, J.-Y. Hihn, L. Chantegrel, G.Gosse, Synthesis
of sub-micronic and nanometric PMMA particles via emulsion
polymerization assisted by ultrasound: process flow sheet and
characterization, Ultrasonics Sonochemistry, vol. 40, p. 183-192.
P 35 - 2017 - C. Filiatre, C. Pignolet, C.C. Buron, Hydrodynamic and electrophoretic velocities of particles during electrophoretic deposition: influence of surfactant counter-ions, Coatings, vol. 7, p. 147-160.
P 34 - 2017 - Z. Gonzalez, C. Filiatre, C.C. Buron, A.J.
Sanchez-Herencia, B. Ferrari,
Electrophoretic Deposition of Ni(OH)2 Nanoplatelets
modified by polyelectrolyte multilayers. Study of the Coatings Formation in a
Laminar Flow Cell, Journal of The Electrochemical Society, vol. 164, p. 436-444.
- P 33 - 2017 - N. Roosz, M. Euvrard, B. Lakard, C.C. Buron, L. Viau, Synthesis and characterization of silica-polyaniline composites: raspberry vs core-shell structures. Where do we stand?, Journal of Colloid and
Interface Science, vol. 502, p. 184-192.
- P 32 - 2017 - F.E. Jurin, C.C. Buron, S. Clément, A. Mehdi, L. Viau, B. Lakard, N.
Martin, C. Filiâtre, Flexible and conductive multilayer films
based on the assembly of PEDOT:PSS and water soluble polythiophenes, Organic Electronics, vol. 46, p. 263-269.
- P 31 - 2016 - S. Lakard, J. Husson, S. Monney, C.C. Buron, B. Lakard, Towards carboxylic acid-functionalized aniline monomers: Chemical synthesis, electropolymerization and characterization, Progress in
Organic Coatings, vol. 99, p. 429-436.
- P 30 - 2016 - J. Husson, S. Lakard, S. Monney, C.C. Buron, B. Lakard, Elaboration and characterization of carboxylic acid functionalized polypyrrole, Synthetic
Metals, vol. 220, p. 247-254.
- P 29 - 2016 - C. Dange-Delbaere, C.C. Buron, M. Euvrard, C. Filiâtre, Stability and cathodic electrophoretic deposition of polystyrene particles pre-coated with chitosan-alginate multilayer, Colloids and
Surfaces A, vol. 493, p. 1-8.
- P 28 - 2016 -
T. Vrlinic, C.C. Buron, S. Lakard, J. Husson, P. Rougeot, M. Gauthier,
B. Lakard, Evaluation of adhesion forces for the manipulation of
micro-objects in submerged environment through deposition of pH
responsive polyelectrolyte layers, Langmuir, vol. 32, p. 102-111.
- P 27 - 2015 - F.E. Jurin, C.C. Buron, C.
Magnenet, M. Quinart, S. Lakard, C. Filiâtre, B. Lakard, Predictive
tools for selection of appropriate polyelectrolyte multilayer film for
functionalization of organic membranes, Colloids and
Surfaces A, vol. 486, p. 153-160.
- P 26 - 2015 - O.
Grari, A. Et Taouil, L. Dhouibi, C.C. Buron, F. Lallemand, Multilayered
polypyrrole-SiO2 composite for functionalization of stainless steel:
Characterization and corrosion protection behaviour, Progress in
Organic Coatings, vol. 88, p. 48-53.
- P 25 - 2015 - S. Lakard, C.
Magnenet, M. Euvrard, C.C. Buron, B. Lakard, Retention of Cu(II) and
Ni(II) ions by ultrafiltration through polymer-modified membranes,
Separation and Purification Technology, vol. 149, p. 1-8.
- P 24 - 2015 -
O. Grari, L. Dhouibi, F. Lallemand, C.C. Buron, A. Et Taouil, J.Y.
Hihn, Effects of high frequency ultrasound irradiation on incorporation
of SiO2 particles within polypyrrole films, Ultrasonics Sonochemistry,
vol. 22, p. 220-226.
- P 23 - 2014 - C.C. Buron, M. Quinart, T. Vrlinic, S. Yunus, K. Glinel, A.M. Jonas, B. Lakard, Application
of original assemblies of polyelectrolytes, urease and electrodeposited
polyaniline as sensitive films of potentiometric urea biosensors,
Electrochimica Acta, vol. 148, p. 53-61.
- P 22 - 2014 - F.E. Jurin, C.C. Buron, N. Martin, C. Filiâtre, Preparation of conductive PDDA/(PEDOT:PSS) multilayer thin film : Influence of polyelectrolyte solution composition, Journal of Colloid and
Interface Science, vol. 431, p. 64-70.
P 21 - 2014 -
P. Gaudillat, F. Jurin, B. Lakard, C.C. Buron, J.-M. Suisse, M. Bouvet,
From the Solution Processing of Hydrophilic Molecules to
Polymer-Phthalocyanine Hybrid Materials for Ammonia Sensing in High
Humidity Atmospheres, Sensors, vol. 14, p. 13476-13495.
- P 20 - 2014 - H. Guleryuz,
I. Kaus, C.C. Buron, C. Filiâtre, N. Hedin, L. Bergström, M.-A.
Einarsrud , Deposition
of silica nanoparticles onto alumina measured by optical reflectometry
and quartz crystal microbalance with dissipation techniques, Colloids and
Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering
Aspects, vol. 443, p. 384-390.
- P 19 - 2014 - C.C. Buron, C. Filiâtre, Overshoots
of adsorption kinetics during layer-by-layer polyelectrolyte film
growth: role of counterions, Journal of Colloid and
Interface Science, vol. 413, p. 147-153.
- P 18 - 2013 - H. Güleryüz, C.
Filiâtre, M. Euvrard; C.C. Buron; B. Lakard, Novel
strategy to prepare polyaniline - modified SiO2 / TiO2 composite
particles, Synthetic
Metals, vol. 181, p. 104-109.
- P 17 - 2013 - A.F. Monnin,
C.C. Buron, L. Guyard, C.
Electrophoretic deposition of composite silica/latex particles onto
gold substrate and polythiophene-based films,
Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering
Aspects, vol. 423, p. 139-146.
- P 16 - 2013 - C. Magnenet,
F. Jurin, S. Lakard, C.C. Buron, B. Lakard, Polyelectrolyte
modification of ultrafiltration membrane for removal of copper ions,
Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering
Aspects, vol. 435, p. 170-177.
- P 15 - 2012 - A.F. Monnin,
C.C. Buron, L. Guyard, C.
Filiâtre, In
situ investigations of electrogenerated polybithiophene film growth on
indium tin oxide substrate using optical fixed-angle reflectometry,
Thin Solid Films, vol. 522, p. 104-111.
- P 14 - 2012 -
C.M. Dekeyser, C.C. Buron, S.R. Derclaye, A.M. Jonas, J.
Marchand-Brynaert, P.G. Rouxhet, Degradation of bare and silanized
silicon wafer surfaces by constituents of biological fluids, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science,
vol. 378, p.77–82.
- P 13 - 2012 - C. Magnenet, S.
Lakard, C.C. Buron, B. Lakard, Functionalization of organic membranes
by polyelectrolyte multilayer assemblies:
Application to the removal of copper ions from aqueous solutions,
Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, vol. 376 p. 202–208.
- P 12 - 2012 - A.F. Monnin,
C.C. Buron, L. Guyard, D. Charraut, R. Salut, C.
Filiâtre, Electrodeposition and characterisation of polythiophene films
on gold substrates, Synthetic Metals, vol. 162, p. 1–9.
- P 11 - 2011 -
C.C. Buron, B. Lakard, A.F. Monnin, V. Moutarlier, S. Lakard,
Elaboration and characterization of polyaniline films electrodeposited on tin oxides, Synthetic Metals, vol. 161, p. 2162–2169.
- P 10 - 2010 - A.-N. Dirieh Egueh,
B. Lakard, P. Fievet, S.
Lakard, C.C. Buron, Charge properties of membranes modified by
multilayer polyelectrolyte adsorption, Journal of Colloid and Interface
Science, vol. 344, n°1, p. 221-227.
- P 9 - 2009 - C.C.
Buron, C. Filiâtre, F. Membrey, C. Bainier, L. Buisson, D. Charraut, A.
Foissy, Surface morphology and thickness of a multilayer film composed
of strong and weak polyelectrolytes: Effect of the number of adsorbed
layers, concentration and type of salts, Thin Solid Films, vol. 517, n°
8, p. 2611-2617.
- P 8 - 2008 - C.M.
Dekeyser, C.C. Buron, K. Mc Evoy, C.C. Dupont-Gillain, J.
Marchand-Brynaert, A.M. Jonas, P.G. Rouxhet, Oligo(ethylene glycol)
monolayers by silanization of silicon wafers: Real nature and
stability, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, vol. 324, n° 1-2,
p. 118-126.
- P 7 - 2008 - Ver
Heyen A.J.J., Buron C.C., Tianshi Q., Bauer R., Jonas A.M., Müllen K.,
Schryver F.C., De Feyter S., Guiding the self-assembly of a second
generation polyphenylene dendrimer into well defined patterns, Small,
vol. 4, n°8, p. 1160-1167.
- P 6 - 2007 - Buron
C.C., Callegari V., Nysten B., Jonas A. M., Resistance of Poly(ethylene
oxide)-Silane Monolayers to the Growth of Polyelectrolyte Multilayers,
Langmuir, vol. 23, n°19, p. 9667-9673.
- P 5 - 2007 - Buron
C.C., Filiâtre C., Membrey F., Bainier C., Charraut D., Foissy A.,
Early steps in layer-by-layer construction of polyelectrolyte films.
The transition from surface/polymer to polymer/polymer determining
interactions, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, vol. 314, n° 2,
p. 358-366.
- P 4 - 2007- Buron
C.C., Filiâtre C., Membrey F., Bainier C., Charraut D., Foissy A.,
Effect of substrate on the adsorption of polyelectrolyte multilayers:
study by optical fixed-angle reflectometry and AFM, Colloids and
Surfaces A, vol. 305, n°1-3, p. 105-111.
- P 3 - 2006 - Buron
C.C., Filiâtre C., Membrey F., Foissy A., A new approach to determine
the mean refractive index and the thickness of polyelectrolyte
multilayer using optical reflectometry, Colloids and Surfaces A, vol.
289, p. 163-171, (2006).
- P 2 - 2006 - Buron
C.C., Filiâtre C., Membrey F., Perrot H., Foissy A., Mass and charge
balance in self-assembled multilayer films on gold. Measurements with
optical reflectometry and quartz crystal microbalance, Journal of
Colloid and Interface Science, vol. 296, n° 2, p. 409-418.
- P 1 - 2004 - Buron
C., Filiâtre C., Membrey F., Foissy A., Argillier J.F. Interactions
between gelatin and sodium dodecyl sulphate: binding isotherm and
solution properties, Colloid and Polymer Science, vol. 282, n° 5, p.