Open quantum systems & Quantum information

The theoretical physics team studies the dynamics and control of quantum systems (qubits, spins, atoms, molecules) in contact with an environment. We are interested in quantum information theory for its fundamental aspects as well as for its technological applications. The team develops original mathematical, numerical and modeling tools and methods specific to the problems studied (master equations, optimization, spectral analysis, algebraic and geometric methods of quantum calculation, etc.).
Our main study topics are:
- Quantum thermodynamics & optical diagnostics (atomic thermal machines, thermometry, etc.)
- Control of quantum systems (atoms/spins entangled with an environment, in a thermal bath, etc.) by adiabatic, optimal or reservoir engineering methods.
- Quantum information theory: quantum correlations, entanglement and coherence
- Dynamics of qubits, decoherence and purification or distillation protocols (algebraic, geometric and numerical approaches)
Staff: Quentin Ansel, Bruno Bellomo, Nabile Boussaïd, Jana El Badawi, Pierre Joubert, José Lages, Vincent Pouthier, David Viennot